How to Block DHT Molecule Naturally to Control Hair Fall
Does severe hair fall make you more anxious? Nowadays, hair fall is the most common problem for most men and women. With the increasing number of hair baldness in men and women, hair regrowth treatment is gaining much popularity.
Hair fall can result from hormonal changes, genetics, specific medical conditions, normal aging, and increased Dht hormone levels. Dht is an endogenous sex hormone. It is essential in developing specific male characteristics such as prostate, muscle growth, deep voice, and body hair. Most people don't have to worry about Dht levels, but too high Dht hormone levels can lead to hair loss.
Due to high levels of Dht, hair follicles break down, shrink, and eventually stop growing hairs, leading to hair loss. Several things can block or control Dht hormone production naturally and give your hair a chance to survive.
How to Block DHT Molecules naturally
Some foods are natural Dht blockers, such as Zinc rich plant foods that contain phytosterols, which block Dht production and reduce the areas of the scalp and hair follicles where Dht attaches. These food include spinach, white mushrooms, and lycopene-rich food such as tomatoes, watermelon, carrots, and mangoes that naturally block Dht production.
Biotin-rich foods such as berries, liver, legumes, oily fish, and bananas nourish the skin and scalp, creating a healthy environment for strong hair. If you are facing the initial phase of hair fall and looking for how to block Dht molecules at a certain level, including this food in your daily diet can be a beneficial option.
Note that if your hair loss is aggressive, dietary intake needed of these foods might be higher than can be physically consumed to make any impact.
Use a shampoo that blocks Dht
Dht-blocking shampoos contain a compound that can block the production of Dht and reduces the production of alpha 5 reductases. This enzyme converts testosterone to Dht. This shampoo contains ingredients that reduce excess Dht in the scalp and unclog pores. It removes, and cleanses the scalp, improves blood circulation in the scalp, and keeps the hair healthy.
Unfortunately, shampoos are not meant to penetrate the skin where they can penetrate the blood stream and cells where these active processes take place, leaving their impact on hair loss ineffective.
Lifestyle Change
If you are thinking about how to block Dht molecules, you can consider having a healthy lifestyle that can help you naturally reduce the Dht level. These include regular exercise, smoking cessation, reducing stress, taking time to rest, and doing scalp exercises such as massage to relieve tension and improve blood circulation.
Its important to understand however that if you are experiencing genetic hair loss that your best hair regrowth treatment will be through a precision medicine specialist who can diagnosis and treat your underlying root causes of hair loss and why you have elevated levels of DHT.
Cleansing your scalp is one of the easiest and most natural ways to reduce the irritating effects of Dht on your scalp. During exfoliation, dead skin and excess sebum on the scalp that can clog pores are removed from the scalp while cleansing.
Bottom Line:
Considering the above things that block Dht production can be beneficial in the initial stage of hair fall. Although visiting a reliable precision medicine specialist to get your scalp inspected is always recommended. They can provide you with the best solution for how to block Dht molecules by analyzing your biochemical report card.
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